Good Grind for Good Guys Vol. 6

Hey-ho! So here is our new complaint! Vol 6 is rich with different bands from all over the world, grindcore, gore, and some noisy experiments, everything you need is here! The idea of this compilation arose spontaneously. The main goal is to show you a small piece of the grind world, enjoy! And remember make noise not war! Special thanks and hugs to Khaaosink for its badass art! Spread and share, play it loud, and make your neighbors happy! LISTEN TO VOL 6 RIGHT HERE! Continue reading Good Grind for Good Guys Vol. 6

Good Grind for Good Guys Vol. 5

This day has come! Behold, a new compilation is out! As always it’s dedicated to your favorite genres. 50 bands from different corners of our rotten planet! I bet you’ll find a lot of good tunes and new bands for yourself. Enjoy and spread the word! All collected funds will go to charity. To support people in Ukraine, fuck war! You can listen to Vol 5 and to older compilations at Continue reading Good Grind for Good Guys Vol. 5

Subscum – Schism

The sophomore EP release “Schism” by Subscum from Ukraine is a powerful exploration of the modern situation on the ground for this young band. Daily reminders of hellish war and genocidal terror fueled this potent work! Subscum perfects their debut direction here, featuring a tinge of crusty dbeat with oppressive sampling dominated by full-throttle blasting drums, buzzsaw bass, grinding riffs, and distorted vocals. This is grindcore for a better world! The tape released by Acid Redux Productions! Continue reading Subscum – Schism

Private Pyle – Ketamphetodrone

It’s freaking strange to see when people in Ukraine making new extreme bands… believe me, that is so rare here, especially for the grind, crust, or powerviolence genres. Anyway, today I want to share with a debut work of Private Pyle. Guys popped up with their mini-album “Ketamphetodrone” last autumn, which really surprised me… so! It’s hard to tag the music of this band just with one genre. This is simply a blend of genres but with powerviolence base. Ah yes, this is drum”n”bass band… so you won’t hear any “Steve Vai” solos today, ha! Yes, this work is raw … Continue reading Private Pyle – Ketamphetodrone

10th anniversary! 10 years of grind!

On this day, 10 years ago we started this small project. First posts, reviews, and interviews, everything that started just for fun turned into something global and solid. During the years I met so many cool and interesting people, I saw my dream bands, but most important is the support I got from all of YOU! Thank you so much boys and girls, for the motivation, for the good words, and for your love! That keeps a fire in me, and nothing can stop me, even the fucking missile that almost ruined our block, haha! I undless thankful for all … Continue reading 10th anniversary! 10 years of grind!