Private Pyle – Ketamphetodrone

It’s freaking strange to see when people in Ukraine making new extreme bands… believe me, that is so rare here, especially for the grind, crust, or powerviolence genres. Anyway, today I want to share with a debut work of Private Pyle. Guys popped up with their mini-album “Ketamphetodrone” last autumn, which really surprised me… so!

It’s hard to tag the music of this band just with one genre. This is simply a blend of genres but with powerviolence base. Ah yes, this is drum”n”bass band… so you won’t hear any “Steve Vai” solos today, ha! Yes, this work is raw and a bit chaotic, but it’s fun to listen to it! It has a good dose of aggression and hate it also has a nice live sound. The bass is not super distorted, so you will be able to catch some riffs. Drums are fast, sometimes goofy, and that is why I love them. You will find some classical stop”n”play structures here, also a lot from punk. All the above is spiced with sharp lyrics…

So if you love not fancy music, love hardcore and powerviolence, try this small record, I bet you’ll love it!

Contact: Private Pyle Instagram  /  Listen

Remember guys, keep the underground music scene strong and alive by supporting the bands! Get this CD from Surrogate Rec.

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