Human Corpse Abuse – Xenoviscerum

The beginning of the week is always hard. And it’s the right time for some good and loud music. Today I want to listen with you to the debut work of the Virginian duo Human Corpse Abuse. It won’t tell you much but check these members. Blastbeas by – Adam Jarvis (Asthma Castle, End Reign, Fulgora, God Enslavement, Lock Up, Misery Index, Pig Destroyer, Scour, ex-All Will Fall, ex-Criminal Element, ex-Hate Eternal (live)). Riffs and screams by Shelby Lermo (Naughtskeid, Ulthar, Vastum, ex-Apocryphon, ex-Colonoscopy, ex-Cretaceous, ex-Extremity, ex-Hideous, ex-Palace of Worms (live), ex-Apprentice Destroyer, ex-Dalton, ex-Tony Molina Band (live), ex-Womanowar (live)). Pretty famous guys, aren’t they? So these guys joined forces to make something nasty and loud… grindcore with gore taste and metal notes. All their experience guys wrapped with sick and hypnotic art (that was made by Jose Gabriel Angeles).

First of all, I want to highlight the material itself… guys have done really solid work. The riffs are great, the songs are short but deadly, and it’s really interesting to listen to this work. Here and there you’ll feel influences from Carcass, Napalm Death, and Regurgitate. Among growls and screams you will hear pitch-shifted vocals, this variety works great! Drums have a tasty raw sound… and I have no question about the songwriting as well, all good. But I have one big question for sound engineer. The final result is too compressed, all spectra sound pale… Have no idea why guys approved this mastering, but we have what we have… I really hope that for the next release, guys will choose another sound.

Contacts: Human Corpse Abuse bc

Remember guys, keep the underground music scene strong and alive by supporting the artists/bands/labels. Get your physical copy HERE!

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