Fuxache / Agathocles

Funny fact, it’s been a while since we reviewed something with Agathocles (actually it’s been a year, wow). So let’s fix that shit… for this review, I picked up a nice piece. AG is not needed in the introduction but Fuxache is…

So this is a band from Australia (Darvin city), they jumped into our grind community 5 years ago, and since then they released a few 7″. An interesting fact is that they have and ex-member of Egrogsid in their pack. I remember their previous split, but this stuff is something different. Guys still playing grind punk, but this material is fucking evil. It’s more aggressive, more tough, and loud. I really like the way this band is moving. Raw sound, anger, energy, this is a good example of the grindcore genre. Riffs are nice and simple, just right as they should be, vocal is deep and pissed off. Everything here is screening about old-school, no bullshit of fancy stuff, only grind! And that’s how things should be done!

On the flip side, we have our veterans AG. Even with just 2 songs, these guys can grind you to the core. Classic is classic… Catchy riffs, primitive brutality, brand structures and a ton of fun! The guys did good work in the studio (and it does not matter when exactly this material was recorded). All songs have a nice production, but I think there is no need to dig deeper. I think this material is more about feelings… what these tunes generate in your head. Don’t forget that this is not just about fun, these songs have sense and message. Mince is the protest!

Contacts: Fuxache bc Agathocles fb

Remember guys, in such shitty times, we need to keep the underground music scene strong and alive and support the bands, labels, fest, and artists!

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